Rehab Consultation

Rehab Consultation

This program can help anyone experiencing
What is included in the $200 consultation

What to Expect

The beginning of your appointment will solely be about listening to your story. 

After listening to your story we will ensure a thorough history is taken. During the history we will ask  key questions to rule out red flags that may indicate pathology is present. Red flags are anything we might find concerning that would constitute a referral to a different doctor. If this does happen we will ensure you are directed to the proper care team and get you the proper treatment before continuing with our plan. 

After we listen to your story and rule out red flags we will come up with a plan together that will help you understand why you are in pain. We will than discuss strategies that will help get you out of pain and back to doing what you love. 

One week after your initial appointment we will email you a self management plan. In this plan will be detailed instructions on exercises and other helpful tips to ensure you achieve your goal. 

Each plan will come with an accountability guide to help ensure you are doing what you need to do to reach your maximal potential. This program is not a quick fix. It will require patience and hard work, but it will get you life time results. 

One month after your initial consult we will schedule a 30 minute follow up appointment. In this appointment we will discuss how the plan is going and make any changes if needed. 

Feel free to email us at any time throughout and after your program is complete. All emails will be answered within 48 hours. 

Success Stories

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Caitlynn Potts
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper.
Alisa Hester